Ing. Klára Lauritzenová
Accredited coach supervisor, consultant in the field of systems thinking, organizational development and change projects, supervisor of coach training. Founder of leading companies in this field (Systemický institut, Extima), co-founder and former president of the Czech Coaches Association, co-organizer of European Sharing on Systems Thinking and member of the European network of Appreciative Inquiry. She graduated from the University of Economics and École Supérieure de Commerce de Paris, and also has certificates from many Czech and foreign trainings specializing in coaching and psychotherapy. She speaks at Czech and foreign conferences and writes articles for professional journals. Her work is mainly based on a systemic approach, which is proving to be one of the most effective approaches to working with organizations and people. It leads to a significant increase in competencies, the ability to think systemically, to lasting changes and results. She always considers an organization to be a complex living system, the management of which cannot be approached mechanistically. No matter what type of work she does, she always takes into account nature of the company's culture, organization's strategy, system relationships and people´s needs. Thanks to qualifications, extensive experience and intuition, she is able to sense and name such facts about the company that are usually unseen by its members, although they are absolutely essential for the functioning of the company. All her work is aimed at changes in the practice of the organization. The higher goal of the work is to move towards harmony: to grow as people and to be happy. Her most important values include love, freedom, ethics, humility and wisdom..